What is mould and who is responsible?

What is Mould?

Mould spores are a natural part of the environment; they are ever-present in the air and on vegetation. Only when the right moisture conditions are provided, and a food source that spores can attach to that moisture and germination begins and spreads. Depending on several other factors, germination can be slow or very fast.

March 2021 was the coldest and wettest on record for many years, creating the ideal conditions for Mould spores to germinate. The prevailing weather conditions in 2021 have consisted of continuous high humidity and extended periods of rain, contributing to the increased presence of internal Mould issues if not controlled. This often presents on belongings, furniture, and hard surfaces; as we move into the colder months, extra vigilance is required to keep your home free from internal condensation. Mould will become visible, especially during extended periods of wet weather and high humidity.

How do you control Mould?

There are 3 main principles in controlling Mould:

1. Keep your home dryer, warmer and correctly ventilated.

2. Keep the home clean and free from dirt, dust, pet hair and bacteria.

3. Control dampness - Reduce activities that create high moisture and condensation that can become trapped inside the home.

Where does Mould come from?

• Wet areas such as bathrooms and laundries create high moisture and condensation in the home

therefore it is important to isolate these areas and ensure they are dried as quickly as possible after

being used by mechanical or manual means.

• Regular cleaning, vacuuming, and dusting helps keep bacteria and organic matter (Mould's food

supply) to a minimum. A clean, dry home is less susceptible to mould. The regular use of quality

disinfectant products is recommended, especially in wet areas, bathrooms, toilets, kitchens etc.

• Clothes dryers often create vast amounts of excess condensation in the air If not vented outside. The condensation created will increase mould growth throughout the home.

• Drying washing inside on clothes racks evaporates the moisture from the clothing into the internal air and increases condensation issues, leading to mould growth.

• It is essential to cross ventilate any dwelling regularly. I winter, on DRY days, this should be done during the warmest part of the day (between 10 am and 2 pm, this can be extended during summer). Cross ventilation is a successful drying process made possible by opening windows or doors, allowing air to flow through the home. Just opening a window at any time of day or night is NOT the solution; there is a correct time to open a house, over ventilating during winter at the wrong times of the day can have the opposite effect and increase internal moisture levels, in turn increasing the presence of visible Mould.

• Ceiling fans can also assist with drying condensation as they keep air circulating, which helps dry out the condensation.

• Gas heating (Unflued) is said to be a 'wet' heat, therefore, produces condensation and humidity and encourages mould growth inside a home.

• Electric heating is a dry method of heating and helps keep condensation/moisture levels low. Using this appliance for a short period on winter mornings in damp rooms (often those towards the most southern aspect) will help to reduce internal condensation.

• An air conditioner, when used correctly, is one of the most effective appliances to reduce internal dampness/humidity and condensation. It extracts internal moisture and transfers it outside on all cycles, mainly if used on the dry (dehumidify) cycle.

• A dehumidifier (portable) may help reduce internal condensation somewhat in small areas if used correctly but should not be relied upon as a total solution or an indication there is a moisture problem when turned on; it will collect moisture no matter where it is.

How to Remove Mould?

Whenever condensation forms on the inside of glass windows and remains after mid-day, this is a sure sign that inside your home is staying too damp. There are lots of simple ways to control moisture; the key to mould control is living a little drier, warmer and in some cases cleaner.

Mechanical ventilation devices are usually not an effective long-term solution as they do not solve the root cause of dampness. It is far better to rectify any contributing issues and make lifestyle adjustments for long term prevention.

Mould is the visual sign of too much moisture. Once you understand the contributing factors, you can then control mould growth inside the home.

The landlord responsibility:

Under tenancy law, property owners acting as the landlord must:

keep the rental premises in a reasonable state of repair;

meet building, health and safety requirements; and

ensure repairs are undertaken in a reasonable period.

As a landlord, you could be facing a breach of the rental agreement if Mould develops as a result of not attending to maintenance matters reported by the tenant

The tenant's responsibility:

keep your rental property in a reasonable state of cleanliness;

not intentionally or negligently cause or permit damage; and

let your landlord or real estate agent know about any damage as soon as possible.

As a tenant, you may be in breach of your rental agreement if Mould develops because you:

got the carpet wet and failed to treat it or let it dry out properly;

didn't aerate the bathroom by using exhaust fans or opening windows;

left pools of water on the tiles outside the shower and let scum building up; or

dried clothes indoors and didn't air the room afterwards.

If Mould in your home is becoming a severe ongoing issue after following these tips, you should immediately contact your Property Manager. The key to keeping your rental property free of Mould is common sense. If you're a tenant, keep your home reasonably clean and stay in touch with your landlord. Tell them in writing as soon as you notice Mould in your home that you can't easily fix.

If your valuables are being affected by Mould, clean them quickly and put them somewhere they won't be damaged. For example, you should remove your clothing from a wardrobe where Mould is growing.

Article information provided by Mould cleaning Australia. Mould cleaning Australia can arrange for a full Mould Inspection and Causation and Prevention Report assessing all contributing factors so these can be addressed, as there are many reasons why Mould can occur.

Email: info@mouldremoval.net.au
Phone 1300 681 034