Repair Request

We understand that repairs can be stressful, and we're here to make the process as smooth as possible for you. To get started, select a repair type from the list below.

Important Points to Consider When Lodging a Repair Request:

  • Provide Detailed Information: The more details you can give us, the better. Please specify whether the issue is related to gas or electric appliances, and include brand names and model numbers if possible.
  • Visual Aids: Attach pictures or videos showing the issue. This will help us assess the situation more accurately.
  • Availability: Let us know your preferred time for us to access the property and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
  • Account Responsibility: If you arrange a repair that is later deemed non-urgent, please be aware that you will be responsible for the account.

What Qualifies as an Urgent Repair: According to the Residential Tenancy Act, an urgent repair is defined as a failure of an essential service. For example, if there is a disruption in water, sewerage, greywater, and sullage, or electricity supplies, or if the heating, cooking stove, or hot water service ceases to function. Additionally, if there is damage to the property that makes it unsafe, unsecure, or that could potentially cause injury, it is considered urgent.

• Electrician: Hoffman Electrical - Christopher - 0411 230 246 | Quick Action Electrical - Tony - 0412181978

• Plumber: Tinson Plumbing - Jason - 0498 861 985

• Storm and Flood: State Emergency Service : 132 500

• Appliances: Kade Appliance Guy - 0414 760 542

• Locksmith: James Lock & Shield - 0428 859 667

• Smoke Alarms: BCMC Safety Solutions -1300 698 040

• Glass: Koala Glass - 4968 1450

• Storm/Flood: SES - 132 500

If a repair is arranged by you as the tenant and deemed non-urgent, you will be responsible for the account. The Residential Tenancy Act states an urgent repair is an essential service that ceases to function. Eg, if the water, sewerage, electricity supplies, hot water services, heating, or cooking stove ceases to function. Also, if there is damage to the property making it unsafe, unsecure or may cause injury.

Thank you for your cooperation. We're committed to resolving your repair issues as efficiently as possible.