Cleaning your Air-Con Filter

With the weather warming up so will the increased use of your air conditioner.

Filters inside air conditioners are designed to catch dust and microbes, but if not cleaned regularly they can clog up, collect moisture and not run efficiently. That's not good for you or for your air conditioner.
Please take the time now to clean the filter of your system via the steps below:

The filter of a room air conditioner should be cleaned every 30 days to ensure unrestricted airflow.

  • Open the main cover to the air unit or the ceiling duct and remove the filter/s.
  • You can vacuum the filter or wash with warm water. If filter is very dirty, use a mild household detergent in the wash water.
  • Running a little baking soda water over the filter before rinsing it can help remove accumulated odor. Be careful not to tear or damage the filter while cleaning.
  • The filter cannot be cleaned in the dishwasher.
  • Once filter is clean, allow it to dry before you reinstall.
  • Do not use the air conditioner until the filter has been put back in place.