Want to know more about how we utilise customised technology and systems to manage your property?
Our systems include:
Inspection Express: This application is our paperless solution to completing electronically delivered routine inspections on your property. We simply complete the inspection and send through the report straight to your email as soon as the inspection has been completed.
Inspect Real Estate- This handy application allows us to check who has registered, attended, and intending to apply for your property. We will send the inspection report to you after the open inspection has been completed, detailing all the information you require.
How do you want to be communicated with?
You have the option to let us know how we should communicate with you, whether that be via text, email or phone call!
Tapi: Tapi allows us to receive maintenance requests on your property. Tenants can use our tenant concierge repairs link to lodge any repairs at your property. This will allow us to easily see what the issue is, request for your approval, and schedule our trades to attend.
HelloSign: This electronic document signing platform makes signing documents quick and simple and all online so that no document is lost!
Airtable: Airtable is our digital checklist and electronic procedure manual platform which allows us to create tags for different aspects of your property and check off when tasks have been completed, ensuring all legislation and your needs have been met every step of the way.
General text line: Our helpline is available to you to anytime, whether you need a quick question answered or an emergency has occurred at the property after hours. Just text: 0488 880 259
Have more questions about your Newcastle investment property? Want to ensure you are maximising your returns? Why not see for yourselves the difference a dedicated team of property managers makes? For a free copy of our Property Investors Guide or for an obligation-free chat, email our Director, Casey Healey on newcastle.com.au">casey@c21newcastle.com.au or phone 02 4928 7400 today.