Essential Holiday Home Security Tips

As the festive season draws near, it's crucial to remain alert to the safety of our homes and loved ones. The holiday period, especially the warm summer months, often sees a spike in residential break-ins. Thieves tend to target homes brimming with new gifts or those left unoccupied during vacation times. High-value items like cash, electronics, and jewellery are typically on a burglar's wishlist.

In the pre-holiday rush, it's easy to become lax about home security. Many of us, caught up in the festive preparations, forget the basics like locking doors and windows. 55% of individuals either forgot to lock their homes when going out or before sleeping, and nearly one in four left their front door open accidentally. This oversight highlights the need for constant vigilance, especially when break-ins surge during the holidays.

To help keep your home secure this festive season, consider these top 15 safety tips

1. Avoid sharing gift photos or your holiday plans on social media. Savvy burglars often use social media posts to pinpoint easy targets.

2. Create the illusion of occupancy in your home. This could include:

3. Having a neighbour collect your mail and handle your bins.

4. Parking a car in the driveway.

5. Using timers to switch lights on and off at varying intervals.

6. Leaving some clothing on the washing line or shoes at the front door.

7. Pausing regular deliveries or arranging for a neighbour to pick them up.

8. Lock up your sheds and garages securely to deny burglars access to tools and ladders. Trim trees and shrubs that could provide access to higher entry points.

9. Reduce hiding spots by pruning foliage around your property and install motion-sensor lights for added deterrence at night.

10. In hot weather, resist leaving windows open in unoccupied rooms. Use window locks and consider reinforcing flyscreens.

11. Avoid hiding spare keys outdoors; instead, entrust them to a reliable neighbour or friend.

12. Keep your Christmas tree and presents away from street-facing windows to avoid tempting potential thieves.

13. When setting up outdoor Christmas lights, don't compromise window security by running extension cords through them.

14. After the holidays, dispose of packaging discreetly to avoid advertising your new purchases to burglars.

Stay safe and enjoy a secure, joyous holiday season!

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