Key Bond Cleaning Products for a Full Bond Refund

Vacating a rental property requires meticulous attention to detail. A thorough clean not only reflects positively on the tenant but is often a requirement to retrieve the full bond amount. Here's a comprehensive guide to essential cleaning products, tools, and tips to help you achieve the best results.

1. Essential Cleaning Products:

Multipurpose Cleaner: A staple for any cleaning job, it's versatile enough for surfaces ranging from kitchen counters to living room tables. Brands such as Ajax and Pine O Cleen offer effective solutions.

Glass Cleaner: Windex or similar products ensure clear, streak-free windows and mirrors, giving rooms a brighter appearance.

Tile and Grout Cleaner: Bathrooms and kitchens can accumulate grime. A quality cleaner, like Long Life Grout Cleaner, will restore tiles to their original shine.

Carpet Cleaner: Products like Vanish Preen are perfect for spot treatments and overall carpet refreshment.

Wood Polish: For wooden surfaces, a good polish like Mr Min ensures protection and a glossy finish.

Oven and Cooktop Cleaner: Products like Easy-Off Bam can combat even the toughest grease and burnt residues, leaving ovens looking brand new.

Lime and Calcium Remover: Especially in areas with hard water, a product like CLR can help remove build-up on faucets and showerheads.

Mould and Mildew Remover: Bathrooms, in particular, can develop mould spots. Brands like Exit Mould can target these troublesome areas.

2. Must-Have Tools:

Microfiber Cloths: These cloths trap dirt and dust more efficiently than regular ones and are ideal for most surfaces.

Scrubbing Brushes: Invest in a set with varying stiffness. Stiffer brushes are great for bathroom tiles, while softer ones can be used on more delicate surfaces.

Vacuum with Attachments: Ensure your vacuum has edge cleaning and brush attachments to reach challenging spots and for deep carpet cleaning.

Flat Mop: A flat mop paired with a bucket system allows for effective floor cleaning without the mess.

Squeegee: A tool often overlooked, a squeegee is essential for streak-free glass cleaning.

Extendable Duster: For those hard-to-reach places, especially for homes with high ceilings or fans.

Steam Cleaner: A handheld steam cleaner can sanitise and deep clean without chemicals, perfect for bathroom tiles and grouts.

Gloves: Protect your hands from chemicals and prolonged exposure to water with durable cleaning gloves.

Bucket with Wheels and Wringer: Makes mopping more efficient and less messy.

3. Store Recommendations for Affordable Purchases:

Amazon: This online giant offers a plethora of cleaning tools and products, often with user reviews to guide your choice.

The Reject Shop: For those on a budget, this store offers a range of affordable yet effective cleaning essentials.

Costco: Buying in bulk here can lead to significant savings in the long run, especially for frequently used items.

Aldi: Their rotating weekly specials often feature household items, making it a go-to for many cleaning products.

Bunnings: A great place for larger tools and specialised cleaning products.

Kmart: Their home section often has affordable and trendy cleaning tools that get the job done.

4. Room-Specific Tips:

Bathroom: For natural stone surfaces, avoid acidic or abrasive cleaners. Mild dish soap and warm water often work best.

Living area: If the property has a A/C unit, Remove the front panel and vacuum the filter gently. If it's very dirty, you might need to wash it with mild detergent and let it dry completely before putting it back. This not only ensures cleaner air but also makes your A/C run more efficiently.


Dishwasher: Dishwasher filters at the bottom are often forgotten at bond cleans, ensure removing debris and grease from the filter, as well as sprnkling baking soda on the bottom with a short and hot water cycle will add extra freshness.

Oven Cleaning: Remove racks and soak them in warm soapy water. Apply an oven cleaner inside and let it sit as directed. Scrub away burnt residues. Ensure it's rinsed thoroughly to avoid any chemical smells when next used.

Range Hood Filters: These can get very greasy. Remove filters and soak them in a mix of hot water, baking soda, and dish soap. Scrub gently, rinse, and let them dry completely before reinserting.

Induction Cooktops: Wipe down with a damp cloth after every use. For stubborn spots, use a cooktop cleaner with a soft cloth. Ensure it's completely dry before using again to prevent any electrical issues. Avoid abrasive pads, which can scratch the surface.

Bedrooms: Wipe wardobe shelves, skirting boards, ceiling fans, and window sills, as these areas often overlooked but can accumulate a lot of dust and allergens.

Balconies or Patios: Outdoor areas might need pressure washing or a good brush scrub to remove dirt and grime.

Laundry Room: Ensure filters in washing machines and dryers are cleaned out, and surfaces are free from detergent residues.

5. Cleaning Hacks for Common Issues:

Window Tracks: A dampened paintbrush can easily sweep out dirt from window tracks, followed by a wipe with a microfiber cloth.

Sticky Residue: A solution of equal parts baking soda and coconut oil can be applied to residues, left for a few minutes, and then wiped off.

Scuff Marks: A damp magic eraser can work wonders on walls, skirting boards, and doors.

Pet Hair: Use a squeegee or rubber gloves to easily gather pet hair from furniture and carpets.

Drain Cleaner: For clogged drains, pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain followed by an equal amount of white vinegar. Let it fizz for 30 minutes and then rinse with hot water. It's an eco-friendly alternative to chemical drain cleaners.

Blinds: Put your hand inside a slightly damp sock and slide it over each slat of blinds. It easily picks up dust and grime.

Remember, a thorough bond clean is an investment in ensuring the return of your bond and leaving on good terms with your landlord. With the right products, tools, and techniques, you can achieve a spotless property ready for its next occupant.